Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 3 morning update

We all slept well last night because we knew that no bugs would come through our nets to our beds. Breakfast today was the same, but still yummy, with added bacon and sweet fried plantains. On the way to breakfast we encountered a small green iguana who climbed all over Ben and James.

At the school we divided into three work groups. One group continued to put more boulders into the drainage ditch then covered it with a plastic tarp. Then we shoveled dirt over the tarp. This was the drainage for the kindergarten bathroom sinks that were made with our earned money. 

Another group tore down decayed rope from a playground bridge then sawed dividers out of PVC to space out the larger PVC bridge planks.

The final group painted the inside and outside of the new kindergarten bathroom stalls, as well as the steel wire part of the exterior walls.

Lunch was the best meal so far, with penne and shell pasta, spaghetti sauce, and garlic bread. There was the great fresh salad that Meghan and the kitchen staff always serve. We wish we had this type of meal at home.

Leave us a comment! We share them with the boys!

Written by James, Keithran, Kyle, and William

2 comments: said...

Wonderful to see the boys learning and serving in another culture.
We enjoy these blog posts and pictures!

Courtney shepherd said...

Sounds like y'all had a very productive and fun day. We love keeping updated with your activities!

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